Saturday, December 12, 2009

Avian Flu Pandemic More Condition_symptoms What Do I Need To Prepare My Household For An Avian Flu Pandemic?

What do i need to prepare my household for an avian flu pandemic? - avian flu pandemic more condition_symptoms

First, get rid of all poultry at home .. Chickens, turkeys, parrots, pigeons. Then everything will go in your house that the birds - attracting corn, rice, some surrounded by a net .. Then you need to ensure that no poultry even try to give you back home. Therefore, by foxes as possible, be surrounded. What things in it. And finally, there is nothing to fear except the bird, "brown" - salsa. So, pour boiling or buying a dozen tanks and the sauce over each item in your home. Recording.
Oh! And do not forget the tape! (but stay away from the treacherous band)


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